results day for GCSE students

What to expect on results day


After all the hard work and pressure is done – all the revision and all those exams – the wait begins. It can be a long and anxious wait for many, but results day will come around soon enough.

So, what can you expect on results day?

Results day for GCSE students

Results day is a stressful time for parents and students alike but as the old saying goes: there’s strength in numbers. Students normally go into school together on the day to collect their results. You will be given an exam slip with all your grades on it. It also includes a breakdown of your marks alongside each grade. This means that you can see how far off you are from a particular grade.

If you are disappointed or surprised about a grade in a subject and it’s lower than expected, you can request a remark. There is a fee for this although the school will normally cover the cost. It’s best to talk your teachers about any possible remarks as they have a better understanding of grade boundaries and how the marking process works.

Bear in mind that remarks can go up or down so you could potentially end up with a grade lower than the one you were first given. This is why it’s best to trust your teachers on this one!

There will be teachers in school on the day to discuss any questions you have and to offer advice about whether you should change your A level options. For example, if you have under-performed in a subject you were hoping to study at a higher level.

Remember, nothing – remarks or post-16 options – must be decided there and then on the day. Seek advice, talk to your teachers, and chat things through with your parents too. Don’t rush into any decisions.

Results Days for A Level students

For most A level students, the priority on results day is to find out whether they have had their university offer confirmed. You find this out before you receive your actual results. You can log on the UCAS website – as early as 6.00am.

If your results have met the requirements of your university offer, you will see ‘Unconditional’. This means you have got your university place! Unfortunately, if it reads ‘Unsuccessful’ it means that you have missed out. You might also see ‘Unconditional Changed Course’ (UCC). This means that you have missed your original offer, but the university is prepared to give you a place on a different course.

In terms of finding out your A level results; most exam boards now release results online early in the morning. Your school/college will have given you log in details to use. You can also still go into school later in the morning to collect your results.

If you are left disappointed with your results, there are a couple of key things to bear in mind. Firstly, remember that universities only receive overall grades, not the breakdown of marks. This means that if you were only a few marks away from achieving a grade that would have meant you would have met your offer, it’s often worth contacting the university to see if they will reconsider. 

Finally, remember that all is not lost – the Clearing process begins on results day. This is the chance to look to look for a university place if you don’t already have one. 

If you missed out with your grades, there’s still an excellent chance that you will still get a university place through clearing.

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