Category Archive: Maths

  1. Is university the right choice for me?

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    One of the most difficult questions that young people must get their heads around these days is definitely: Is university the right choice for me?

    In many ways, it used to be so straightforward… 

    If you had the academic ability, you would follow the traditional route: you left school and went to college or sixth form; from there you went on to university and then you started your career. 


    But times change and there are now many more potential routes open to school leavers.

    So, which way should you turn?

    Why go to university?

    The first part of figuring out the answer to the question of whether university is the right choice for you is to think carefully about why you are thinking of going in the first place.

    University is still by far the most popular choice for school and college leavers. And with so much of a focus on higher education, it can feel like it’s the only route open to you.

    However, it really, really isn’t.

    And if you’re thinking of going to university simply because that’s what everybody else seems to be doing or because most of your friends are, think again!

    What other options are there?

    Well, the most obvious alternative to university is an apprenticeship.

    Apprenticeships provide on-the-job training in a wide range of highly skilled job roles. From engineering to agriculture – and pretty much everything in-between – there’s a very good chance that there’s something out there for you.

    You’ll come out of it with a foundation degree or higher but the main difference between apprenticeships and uni is that you’ll get real training in the workplace alongside your studying – and you get paid for it too.

    Some industries and sectors also offer school leaver training programmes. These are sometimes designed by big companies looking to train up new recruits. Again, you can study – either for a degree or specific professional qualifications that are directly related to the area of work.

    If all this appeals to you, it could well be a better choice for you than going to university.

    Good reasons to go to university

    However, you shouldn’t feel like we are trying to talk you out of going to university. There are several good reasons why it still could be the best option for you.

    For example, if you already know what career path you want to take, university could be the right track. Lawyers, doctors and teachers and similar jobs typically require you to have a degree. So, university is the logical next step to take from school or college.

    Statistically, university tends to lead to higher-paid jobs. This comes down to the difference between ‘professional’ jobs – the ones that typically follow on from university – and ‘non-professional’ jobs. As a rough guide, professionals tend to start on around £7,000 more per year than non-professionals.

    In fact, the earnings gap over a lifetime can be as much as £321,000!

    Passion for a subject

    Another good reason to go to university could be if you have a real passion in a subject. If you love a subject and learning in general, you’ll love university!

    You can plan for your future career at the same time as well, of course. Many graduates get involved in volunteering or take on an internship, or another kind of work experience placement.

    However, it’s worth remembering that there’s no guarantee of a job once you’ve finished your degree. This is especially true if you haven’t really thought about what you’d like to do after the course has finished when you choose your degree subject.

    Many sectors still offer ‘graduate level’ jobs for university places but the competition for places is extremely competitive.

    Is the student debt worth it?

    You’ve probably heard about student debt. If you go to university, you’ll be taking on a lot of debt because students take out loans to pay for tuition fees and living costs, such as rent. 

    As most universities charge in the region of £9,000 a year for tuition fees. That means that over a 3-year course, you’re looking at around £27k for the tuition fees alone.

    In 2021/22 the average student debt in England after finishing a degree was £45,150.

    You shouldn’t necessarily let this put you off though. You are given plenty of time to pay off your loans and the amount you pay is determined by the amount you earn after you have left university.

    But it does mean that just drifting through a degree course without knowing what you want to do at the end of it probably isn’t particularly wise!

    Final tips

    At the end of the day, only you can answer the question: Is university the right choice for me?

    Whether your answer is Yes, Maybe, or Definitely Not, it really doesn’t matter as long as you have made the right decision for you.

    The question needs to be given a lot of thought. 

    Consider where you are aiming to get to and whether a degree will help you get there.

    Think carefully about whether you really want to study for another 3 years and if you need to take on the student debt.

    Most of all, weigh up all the pros and cons of all the different options open to you.

  2. How To Motivate Your Teenager 

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    Do you struggle to motivate your teenager?

    Don’t worry if you do – you’re not alone!

    After all, parenting isn’t easy – and it can get particularly difficult during the teenage years.

    So, how do you get them motivated? How do you get them to pay attention and try harder at school? How do you get them to put more effort into homework and revision?

    And just how do you get them to care about their futures as much as you do?

    Well, if we had all the answers, we probably wouldn’t be doing what we’re doing now. We’d be sitting on a beach, sipping cocktails, counting the millions we’d earned from solving the problems of millions of parents the world over…

    So, no, we haven’t got a water-tight, fool-proof set of genius answers – unfortunately.

    But we have got a few great tips that we know work well…

    Rewards and Sanctions

    The go-to approach for many parents and teachers is some sort of system of rewards and punishments. Indeed, this is the cornerstone of most school behaviour policies. 

    The thing is – although the carrot and stick approach seems like a simple way to motivate teenagers – research shows that rewards and punishments don’t usually lead to long-term motivation.

    It can have limited, short-term success and – for example – if your teen is currently in Year 11 and approaching their GCSEs, it might just be the thing to give them an incentive for ‘a final push’ before their exams.

    However, on the flip side, use them too much and you run the risk of teaching your teenager that they only do something if there’s a reward at the end of it. The reward becomes an expectation.

    And that’s a dangerous message to send out when all is said and done!

    And, ideally, you want to motivate your teenager from Day 1 of Year 10 rather than just the last few weeks of Year 11. You want to instil in them a love of learning and taking on challenges.

    It must come from them.

    So, often a different approach is needed.

    Inner Motivation is the Key

    The secret to motivating your teenager is to fuel their self-motivation. The trick is to develop self-discipline.

    The problem with micromanaging your teenager is it soon feels like nagging; the downside of giving pep talks is that they can quickly turn into lectures.

    The problem comes with the territory. Most teenagers follow strict rules and schedules. To them, it can often feel like they have little control over their day-to-day routines. This all comes at a time in their lives when they are discovering their personality and developing their individuality. 

    Their desire for more autonomy and independence is only natural. When they don’t feel as if they are getting this, the result is that many teenagers feel powerless, frustrated, and unmotivated.

    Want to know the secret to how to motivate your teenager? Give your teen autonomy

    One great way of respecting your teen’s autonomy is to set rules, consequences, and routines together. Another way is to encourage open dialogue and communication. Talk to them and listen to what they have to say – even if it really isn’t what you want to hear!

    Creating a positive environment in the home helps teenagers to feel understood rather than judged or criticised. Lack of confidence is often at the root of a lack of motivation. If your teenager is lacking either confidence or motivation in a particular subject, a tutor can be a great help. Get in touch with the TutorRight team to find out more.

  3. How to Make a Revision Schedule

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    “How do I make a revision timetable?” It’s probably one of the most asked questions that students ask teachers and tutors. The bottom line is that there is no single right way to do it. Ultimately, if it works for you, it’s right!

    However, there are some basic principles and top tips to follow. If you stick to these, you will be well on the way to creating your perfect revision schedule.

    How to Make a Revision Schedule: Guiding Principles to Follow

    There are a few guiding principles to bear in mind. Firstly, most of your effort should be focused on the topics/questions that carry the most marks and the topics that you are least confident with. 

    Secondly, you should measure your progress based on topic coverage, rather than how much time you have spent revising. Finally, be prepared to adapt your revision timetable according to the rate at which you can confidently understand and memorise information.

    If you can, go Digital

    iPad and weekly schedule notebook

    It’s a really good idea to use Google Calendar. Not only is it available on both Android and iOS but it also means that your revision schedule will always be with you. After all, your smartphone is always with you, right?

    The other (even more important) reason is the flexibility it gives you. You can make changes quickly and easily. Although a revision schedule is there to be followed, it isn’t set in stone. It’s likely that you will need to make adjustments to it from time to time. If you use Google Calendar, changes and updates can be made cleanly.

    How much time have you got?

    You need to figure out how much time you actually have to revise. There is a need to strike a balance between being ambitious and being realistic. You can’t revise every hour of the day. And, even if you feel you need to, it wouldn’t do you any good anyway – you would just burn yourself out.

    You need to factor in all your normal commitments and day-to-day activities. Importantly, make sure that you include time for rest, relaxation, and free time. In the weeks and months running up to your exams, you might spend less time on these things – but you should never do away with them completely!

    Prioritise by Subject or Topic

    You need to decide which subjects you currently feel the most and least confident about. Other factors to consider are where your exams sit on your exam timetable and what your current grades look like. The key to prioritising is being honest about where you’re at right now.

    On that note, don’t avoid the topics you are least confident about and find most difficult. In fact, these are exactly the ones you should be prioritising!

    Revise a little, a lot

    There’s a temptation to say you are going to spend 10 hours revising a certain topic so that you’ll know it inside out. The reality is that such a revision marathon will probably be a waste of time. 

    It’s much more effective to revise a little, a lot. 30-minute bursts are the best. Of course, momentum is a great thing. Just because you have allocated a 30-minute time slot, it doesn’t mean that you must stop the moment you reach the 30-minute mark. If you have built some momentum up, keep going for a bit longer! Don’t take a break just because your timetable says so – take one when you need it.

    Finally, if at first, you don’t succeed, don’t give up! 

    There are bound to be times when things go wrong: topics you can’t master, sessions you might miss… there will be setbacks – but don’t let these set you back too much.

    And remember, a private tutor can really help you make sense of it all. Get in touch if you think you could do with some help. It’s what we’re here for!

  4. Becoming a Senior Leader in Education

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    Should I apply for a senior leadership position in a school?

    It’s a question that many teachers working in schools ask themselves at some point. The correct answer to the above question will depend on the individual, of course – but if it is a question that has come into your head recently, you’ll want to make sure that you get the answer to it right. So, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of becoming a senior leader in education.

    Becoming a senior leader: an opportunity to make a difference

    It’s kind of why you became a teacher in the first place, isn’t it? The opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and young people is one of the privileges of the profession.

    And the opportunity to make a difference needs to be at the forefront of your mind when you are considering whether to try to become a senior leader or not.

    Let me explain… as a ‘classroom teacher,’ you make a difference for the pupils you teach. Your classroom is your kingdom, and it is between those four walls that the magic is made. 

    The thing is that the impact you can have on pupils is limited to those four walls. 

    When you are a middle leader, such as a Head of Department, you now have an opportunity to have an impact on a wider cohort of young people – and the step up again to senior leadership will take your responsibility and potential impact on a whole-school level.

    If you want to become a senior leader, you need to demonstrate that you have had an impact at a whole-school level. Taking on a whole-school project or initiative is an excellent way to do this. Getting more involved on a departmental basis is also a great idea. You need to show that you have an interest in departmental and whole-school issues.

    A senior leader in education working with children

    Is a role as a Senior Leader in Education what you really want?

    Perhaps most importantly you need to be sure that senior leadership is the right move for you. Yes, the desire to have a greater impact across the whole school is a big attraction – but do you know what the role will entail?

    Generally, the people who move into middle leadership and then senior leadership do so, initially, because they are some of the most promising and best classroom teachers in a school. Promotion seems like a natural step. But the further up the management ladder you go, the less time you will spend teaching in the classroom.

    The prospect of teaching kids is why we all entered the profession and what we all really love. You’ll be doing a lot less of it when you become a senior leader.

    Also, bear in mind that the best classroom practitioners don’t always make the best leaders and managers. In fact, there are quite different skill sets needed.

    Apply for the right position for you

    Once you have decided that senior leadership is the right move for you, you shouldn’t just apply for any role as a senior leader in education that you see. Look carefully at the job description and what the role would involve. Make sure that it matches both your interests and your skills.

    Once you’ve got there – what can you expect?

    Senior leadership can be very tough and there’s always a lot of pressure – but it’s also incredibly rewarding. It really feels like you are shaping the direction a school is moving in – because you really are! That is a real privilege.
    Subscribe to the TutorRight blog for more advice about teaching and education in general.

  5. GCSE Grades Explained: A guide for parents and students

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    In England GCSEs are now graded using a numerical system running from 9-1, rather than A* to G – a system that had been in place since GCSE Grades replaced the old ‘O’ Levels in the late 80s. This has caused – for parents and students alike – a fair amount of confusion. Many ask questions, such as: What do these numbers mean? What is a Grade 9 equivalent to? What is a pass at GCSE?

    But, have no fear… TutorRight are here to answer all these questions and more with our handy guide ‘GCSE Grades Explained: A guide for parents and students’.

    So, without further ado, let’s get explaining…

    When and why were GCSE grades changed?

    Before we get started, it makes sense first to explain when and why the GCSE grades were changed.

    The new numerical grading was introduced as part of a wider curriculum overhaul carried out by the Conservative government in 2014 by the then-Education Secretary, Michael Gove. It was perceived that too much emphasis had been placed on GCSE coursework. The reformed examination system sought to make the GCSEs more challenging and to make almost all subjects assessed by final exams taken after two years of study. This replaced the old model of assessment which favoured regular assessments through a series of modules.

    It was argued that the new numerical scale recognised “more clearly the achievements of high-attaining students.” This is because the additional grades created allow for greater differentiation. Essentially, students can now gain ‘higher’ levels of each grade, instead of simply a standard grade. All exams now contain more extended writing, essay-style questions. It was also explained that the move to numbered grades would make it clear to employers that students had taken the more challenging GCSE.

    The new reformed GCSEs were introduced gradually between 2017 and 2019, beginning with English and Maths. By 2020, all GCSEs had adopted the new number graded system.

    GCSE Grades

    What are the new grades?

    The highest grade is now 9, with 1 being the lowest. The U grade, meaning “ungraded”, remains the same.

    The number scale is not directly equivalent to the old letter one. However, the two scales do meet in certain places:

    • the bottom of the new grade 7 is equivalent with the bottom of the old grade A;
    • the bottom of the new grade 4 is equivalent with the bottom of the old grade C;
    • the bottom of new grade 1 is equivalent with the bottom of the old grade G;
    • three of the new number grades – 9, 8 and 7 – correspond to the two previous top old grades of A* and A.

    What do pupils need to pass their exams?

    A grade 4 is a standard pass and a 5 is a ‘strong’ pass. Technically, a student who gets all grade 4s has passed all their exams. However, school league tables are based on the percentage of pupils who achieve a grade 5 or above in English and Maths. Also, bear in mind that many sixth forms and colleges will ask for 5s in certain subjects as an entry requirement – although this varies, and most schools and colleges are quite flexible.

    What is a GCSE Point Score?

    You may have also heard about something called a ‘GCSE Point Score’. Again, like league tables, these are more of a concern for school leaders than individual students, as they are measurements the government uses to judge schools by. However, just so you know, your GCSE Point Score is basically your average grade over all your GCSEs. So, if you took 10 GCSEs and achieved a Grade 8, 5 Grade 7s; 2 Grade 6s, and 2 Grade 5s, your average point score would be 6.5. With a Grade 5 being a ‘strong’ pass, any point score above 5 would be considered strong.

    Finally – in old money – a Grade 7 is the equivalent of a Grade A. A Grade 6 is just above an old Grade B. Grade 5 is between a B and a C; and Grade 4 is equivalent to a Grade C.

    Get in touch if you’d like a tutor to help your child reach their GCSE potential.

  6. Maths Tutors in Warrington

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    One of – if not the – most frequently asked questions we get here at TutorRight is ‘Have you got Maths tutors in Warrington?’. The good news is that our answer is definitely, ‘Yes!’

    It’s the time of year when most Year 11 students sit a set of mock exams for their forthcoming GCSEs. Mocks have always been important, because they are the best opportunity for students to experience a taste of their ‘real’ exams. No amount of practice papers completed in class or at home can really prepare a young person for what it feels like to be in the sports hall with the rest of a year group, sat in rows, completing exams next June.

    The results that students get in their practice exams provide invaluable information for teachers too. It gives them a clear sign of how their students are doing at that moment in time. There is no better way to inform future teaching.

    Mock exams can be something of a traumatic experience for many students though. Not only are they nerve-wracking, there’s also the small matter of what to do if results are disappointing.

    Don’t panic! It’s what the mocks are there for!

    Of course, in an ideal world, every student would do brilliantly at every exam they sit. Yet – sadly – we all know the world isn’t like that!

    If results aren’t as good as you’d like them to be, the best piece of advice is quite simple: Do.Not.Panic.

    Remember that mock exams, although important, are not that important in the grand scheme of things. Put it this way, once you have done your final GCSE exams, nobody is ever going to ask you, ‘How did you do in your mocks?’

    Similarly, although setting out to do badly in your mocks isn’t advisable, it’s important to remember two things:

    1. If you do have a stinker in a mock exam, you probably won’t make the same mistakes again!
    2. Nobody ever got better at something by getting everything right anyway!

    A clear snapshot of where you’re at right now

    Ultimately, your mock results provide you with a clear snapshot of where you’re at right now. 

    It’s often the point at which we get called upon too. The results state how far off you are from where you need to be. It’s no surprise that many parents and young people start asking for maths tutors in Warrington.  We certainly notice a spike in interest and enquiries around the time that students have had mock exams.

    Maths tutors in Warrington available today

    We have local tutors who specialise in Maths, from primary level right through to degree level. As professionals, mathematicians, and educators, our Maths tutors in Warrington will instinctively know how to plot your child’s Maths learning journey over the next few months so that they end up where they want to be… Destination Success!

    Our tutors get called on for GCSE exam preparation more than anything else. But remember we have specialists who will tutor students at any stage or age. 

    Would you like to join the TutorRight team?

    As we’ve already mentioned, as the mock results roll in at schools around the area, we see a big increase in enquiries for Maths tutors in Warrington. 

    We’re always on the lookout for new tutors to join the team! Simply complete our quick Tutor Registration Form to get the ball rolling. You will always be in complete control of how many students you take on. We will treat you professionally and pay competitively. 

    Get in touch

    If you think your son or daughter would benefit from some extra support in their Maths, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch if you’d like to arrange a Maths tutor in Warrington today!

  7. Is online learning the future of education?

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    In some ways, education has changed very little in literally decades. Predominantly, lessons are still led by a teacher standing at the front of a class of pupils sat at desks. Blackboards may have been replaced by interactive whiteboards – but you could argue that changes to the way things are done in school over the years have been more to do with technology rather than pedagogy

    Indeed, anybody who sat the old ‘O’ levels back in the 70s and 80s might be forgiven for thinking that they’d travelled back in a time machine if they saw the current GCSEs – such is their similarity to those old-school exams.

    Hell, we even teach kids grammar again these days too!

    Well, yes, very little had changed… that was… until covid struck. The pandemic changed so many things for so many people. And education was not left unaffected. In fact, the extraordinary events of the last couple of years have even called into question what the notion of ‘normal’ learning is, to some extent.

    After all, it’s now apparent that learners don’t necessarily need to be physically present in the classroom for a lesson to take place anymore. 

    The wealth of new technologies that are readily available means that it is now possible to receive an education wherever and whenever you want, if you have access to a digital device.

    Most people – certainly not many teachers – had even heard of the likes of Zoom or Teams before lockdown. Now, for many, video calls and meetings have become a part of the new normal – a hybrid work routine.

    Online learning:  a revolution in education?

    So, have we entered a new era? Is online learning at the forefront of a revolution in education? Well, distance learning had been growing in popularity even before Zoom lessons were forced upon everybody during lockdown.  More than 30% of higher education students take at least one distance learning course. Although the experience that university students had of online lectures and seminars during lockdown was not particularly positive, online learning is still likely to play an important part in the education of the future.

    Online learning provides flexibility and greater choice

    One of the major advantages of online education is that it allows the teacher and the student to set their own pace of learning. It becomes possible to set a schedule that suits everyone. Online learning is also a great way to learn new skills – or to refresh existing ones.

    There is now an online distance learning course for virtually any skill and topic. Increasingly, universities are offering online versions of many of their existing programmes and courses. Away from full-time education, online learning has become the convenient way to gain acatc certificate or qualification to advance your career, in several sectors.

    A virtual classroom can be created anywhere where there is a decent internet connection. It means that the teacher and students need no longer have to travel to the same place. As well as reducing travelling costs, online learning modules are re-usable – again and again.

    Will online learning become a part of mainstream education?

    Post-pandemic, the world of business is unlikely to ever quite be the same again now that companies have experience of using Teams or Zoom as an alternative to face-to-face meetings.

    But could the same transformational impact occur in mainstream education? Could a GCSE Maths lesson on Zoom for 30 students replace a conventional classroom lesson? Probably not, at least anytime soon. However, there are many potential opportunities for schools to incorporate online learning into their normal everyday offer. Some already are doing so – with revision sessions and catch-up sessions the obvious starting point.

    Schools were forced into the online route. But now the dust has settled on covid, teachers are being creative and looking for exciting ways to explore the potential of online learning.

    TutorRight provide face-to-face and online tuition. Get in touch to find out more about the services we have available.

  8. Understanding the science behind how we learn

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    As educators, it’s what we do – we help students to learn. 

    But have we actually thought about how learning occurs? Of course, engaging teaching certainly helps; but as individuals we all learn in different ways and have preferred learning styles. 

    So, what is it that helps us master something new?

    Understanding how the brain works

    The human brain is a truly remarkable thing; it does countless incredible things every single day. 

    However, it is so clever that it also makes us extremely lazy! The brain will scurry around looking for ways to stop us having to exert too much effort. This is why so many of us are prone to cutting corners a lot of the time. We naturally look for shortcuts and a way to make things easier for ourselves.

    The brain loves it when it can slip into autopilot: riding a bike, driving a car, playing a game. We love it when we can do things without having to think too hard about it.

    And when we come across something new, often we find it frustrating and feel that it is too difficult.

    That’s a pupil in a classroom right there – trying to learn something they don’t know and don’t really have much interest in.

    This is why – to learn something – you need to practise enough times so that the brain recognises it and puts it into autopilot for you.

    Trigger and reward

    Humans are hardwired to need both a trigger and a reward to make us want to do something. The trigger needs to be something that kickstarts the brain into realising it must be time to try out the new skill that has been learned. The reward is the motivation for doing something. For most of us, there has to be a reward. There must be something in it for us.

    How does this look in a classroom setting? A student is faced with a poem. The brain recognises that is often asked to analyse language features. This reminder acts as the trigger to begin analysing the use of simile and metaphor in the poem. The reward is the thought of positive feedback or a high grade, and the possibility of moving one step closer to the target grade.

    The importance of self-belief

    Last but definitely not least is the importance of self-belief. Ignore the significance of this at your peril. We need to believe that we can do something. It doesn’t matter what the ‘something’ is: a new skill, a subject topic, an exam – if our brain isn’t telling us that we can do this, the chances of success are slim.

    We also need to believe that it is normal and natural to get things wrong, fall short, or make mistakes. Understanding that we can learn and recover from setbacks is incredibly important. How we react to failure is far more telling than how we respond to success.

    A tutor can unlock potential and tap into how a student learns. Get in touch to find out more.

  9. Top tips for an effective extra-curricular programme in schools

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    The two most common types of extra-curricular clubs in schools tend to be sport or music-related. Long may that continue – but there are a wide range of other activities that schools could offer as well to create a truly outstanding effective extra-curricular programme.

    With the relentless focus on exam performance (and the curveball that Covid threw into the mix), extra-curricular has been put on the back burner somewhat over the last few years. This is a real shame as everybody knows that education shouldn’t just be about the hours that students spend in the classroom.

    Research shows that the students who perform better socially and academically are the ones who participate in extra-curricular activities. However, it is difficult for many schools to put together an effective out-of-hours offering. Time is often taken up with interventions. What’s more, staff are overburdened as it is. It’s a bit much to expect teachers to run a club on top of everything else they do.

    This is why some of the best extra-curricular programmes in schools are the ones that draw on the support and expertise of parents and the wider community. Here are some tips for putting together a programme that genuinely inspires.

    Run activities that teachers and pupils alike love

    Tapping into people’s passions will always be a winner. Despite the issues of workload, many teachers will still give their time willingly – especially for something that they genuinely love doing.

    Be open, creative, and experimental in terms of what can be offered – moving things away from the typical sports-based clubs. Not that there’s anything wrong with sport, of course – but there are plenty of other ways to enthuse and engage young people.

    Involve the whole school community

    Involving the whole school community makes an extra-curricular programme truly inclusive. Involve older students. It is great experience for them and creates positive role models for the younger ones. Give senior students the opportunity and space to lead and watch them flourish as they rise to the challenge. Open things up to all non-teaching staff too. Many are more than willing to run clubs.

    Get support from parents and local businesses

    Schools should also tap into the experience and expertise of parents and local businesses. It can create a whole new set of role models for students. It can also open up a wide range of opportunities. Not only that, it reinforces the place the school holds within its local community too. 

    Why does all this matter so much?

    Schools are under much pressure to deliver progress and ever-improving exam results. Therefore, ‘the other stuff’ is pushed to one side. However, the development of young people and preparing them for adult life is about much more than how they do in exams. The culture of a school is vital. Crucially, an enriching and effective extra-curricular programme can play a major part in shaping that culture.

    Remember: be open, creative and experimental with your extra-curricular programme!

    Sign up to our newsletter and blog for all the latest education news, views and ideas.

  10. Self-help tips for teachers to fight stress

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    It’s sad, but true: the words ‘stress’ and ‘workload’ have become almost synonymous with the teaching profession. Long before ‘funding cuts’, ‘recruitment crisis’ or ‘Covid catch-up’ became the issues that school are grappling with, workload has been a constant concern for teachers.

    The numbers don’t lie. In recent research from Hays, 71% of school leaders said that they were finding it increasingly difficult to recruit permanent teachers. The recruitment of new staff has been an issue for a long time. However, the shortage of new blood is compounded by that fact that schools seem to find it hard to hold on to what they have. Shockingly, in 2020, one in six new teachers left the profession after just a single year in the classroom. It’s estimated that 40% of teachers leave within 5 years.

    And, although they are by no means the only issues, ‘workload’ and ‘stress’ always feature highly on any list of reasons why teachers leave the job.

    So, what can be done?

    Well, teacher workload is undoubtedly a complex issue. But despite the weight of evidence suggesting the negative impact it has on the profession, few at the chalkface would say things have improved much – if at all – recently. Major change is needed and regardless of how many ‘workload surveys’ are carried out, little impact has yet to be seen.

    The individual class teacher is really at the mercy of their school leadership. However, it is not a hopeless situation. Sometimes, it can be the little things that make a real difference.

    Self-help and self-care could be the answer. Ultimately, teachers need to look after Number One. It is important that teachers do not let the job define who they are.

    Here are some tips to keep stress away – or at least in check.

    Take up a hobby

    Okay, so this bit of advice might seem a bit daft! Teachers are struggling with their workload, as if they have the time to take up a hobby. We get that – but hear us out…

    After a hard day and week, the temptation is simply to switch off: Netflix, a bottle of wine and the sofa might sound like an irresistible combination. There’s no denying that we all need some R&R from time to time; however, it’s important to ‘switch on’ as well as to ‘switch off’. Being physically active, learning a new skill, or taking up a new hobby will be better for your wellbeing in the long run.

    Try Journalling

    The notion of keeping a diary might seem slightly old-hat these days, but the benefits of journalling are celebrated in all circles. There are a plethora of apps to choose from but traditional pen and paper is fine too. It is the principle behind journaling that is important. The process forces you to balance any negativity that may occur during the day with a few moments of self-reflection and positivity. It is about focusing on what you have, rather than what you haven’t got.

    Practice what you preach

    Finally, aim to have more of a growth mindset about everything you do. It’s a case of practising what you preach with the students you teach. Think about the advice you would give about how to revise: take regular breaks and give yourself rewards – and take a leaf out of your own book.

    Remember how a growth mindset can challenge negative feelings. If a pupil doesn’t believe that they can make progress in subject, they probably won’t.

    The thing is, if you don’t think things can get better for you – they probably won’t either.

    At TutorRight we work with schools and councils. Sharing the workload can help your students to excel.

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